Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I have been inspired by a post from Kim on the Large Family Logistics blog. Kim had an emergency caesar to deliver her precious little boy Matthew, a month ago. He was only 25 weeks gestation at the time. Please keep the whole Brenneman family in your prayers. Kim mentioned that she had met someone from Project Linus in the NICU ward. They donate handmade, washable blankets to very ill babies - the blankets are initially used to muffle light and sound in the humidicrib, then as the baby progresses, they are wrapped in the blankets, and eventually get to take them home. The blanket is a tangible reminder that people care for these tiny babies who fight for their lives every day.

I have been aimlessly knitting squares for a blanket, just because knitting is something I can pick up and put down at a moment's notice (much easier than my quilting paraphernalia, at this stage!). I have been inspired to contact Project Linus and offer to set up their first chapter in Australia - it is mainly US based, but also has contacts in the UK. What a wonderful, worthy way, to give a gift of love, support and hope to families who desperately need it. If you are a quilter, knitter, crochet-er please consider making a blanket to donate to Project Linus - such a worthy cause.

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